What exactly is Kumdo?


Kumdo is the Korean word meaning Kum (sword) and Do (Way), and this is translated as the way of the sword. This also is the same for Japanese Kendo and it is translated the same ie. Ken (Sword) Do (Way). Kumdo and Kendo are the same in all ways except for terminology and philosophical underpinnings. Kendo is steeped in the traditional approach of one mind and perfection of form in executing one strike. Kumdo approaches this in a more conventional and practical fashion, seeking to balance form and perfection with the reality of living in a dynamic and changing world. Basically that sometimes we have to adapt and respond in unpredictable ways.


Both philosophies offer important insight into living and succeeding in today’s complex world. One of the most important benefits of practicing this martial art is learning to master the mind and body while watching and engaging with the person across from you. This process is expressed by the phrase Ki-Kum-Che which is which roughly means the union of spirit, sword, and body in the act of executing a strike. So what this means is that through Kumdo or Kendo we bring about meaningful intentional action and risk exposing ourselves to attack, and that this is not only important, it is absolutely necessary to move ourselves forward in life.



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